Elf on the Shelf, Tea with Tolkien Edition
If you’re looking for fun ways to make Advent a bit more engaging this year but the thought of a rosy-cheeked elf looming over your kids threatening to tattle to Santa isn’t quite your thing, might I propose an alternative option: Elf on the Shelf, but make it Tolkien. That’s right kids, we’ve got Legolas coming to visit this holiday season!
The idea is loosely based on the typical Elf on the Shelf tradition: your elf moves around the house all throughout the month, getting into mischief or leaving little treats or notes for the family — it’s really whatever you want to make it! Kids run around the house trying to find the elf every morning, etc etc.
In our house we do deviate from the idea that the Elf should not be touched (because it’s a toy and toys should be played with!), but as a good rule of thumb your elf should be left in an easy to find spot each night for whenever you remember to do something with it.
The added bonus of this new Middle-Earth adapted tradition is that The Fellowship of the Ring actually departs from Rivendell on Christmas day, so you could do a little sending off ceremony for your elf then too! :’)
7 Elf on the Shelf Ideas, Middle-Earth Edition
“Legolas! What do your elf eyes see?”
Legolas reads “Letters from Father Christmas” to the other toys.
“Slaying all the way!” (that still only counts as one!)
“You have my bow!”
“This Forest is old…” Christmas in Fangorn
“The beacons are lit!”
“Muster the Rohirrim!”
I hope these ideas were inspirational! I know I’m excited to have another little way to bring Middle-Earth into our home this holiday season.
Bonus Ideas:
They’re taking the Hobbits to Isengard!
Sailing to Valinor
Being Pulled around by a Reindeer/Sleigh
Stuck in a Tree
Building a Snow Man
Riding in the Christmas Train
Reading Tolkien to the other Toys
The Floor is Mount Doom (Lava)
Wrapped up in Shelob’s Web
Getting into the Candy
Elf goes Sledding
Mentioned in this Post
Legolas Funko Pop
There are lots of different Legolas toys around but this one is my favortie.
Letters from Father Christmas
A collection of Christmas letters written to his children, completeness side illustrations by Tolkien himself.
A lot of you have asked about where I found the little Santa hat! It’s actually photoshopped on, but I found this one on Amazon that looks promising.
Also please note that we are in no way affiliated with the Elf on the Shelf brand or the Tolkien Estate.