In this corner of our website, you will find a growing list of entries published concerning various letters, essays, and shorter works of Tolkien’s.
Beyond The Lord of the Rings: Getting to Know Tolkien through his Shorter Works
Leaf by Niggle: Guest Post: 3 Reasons Leaf by Niggle is my Favorite Tolkien Treasure by Matthew Chicoine
Leaf by Niggle: An Introduction to ‘Leaf by Niggle’ (Guest: Father Dan Bedel) (Podcast)
On Fairy-Stories: Tolkien’s ‘On Fairy Stories’ and The Gospel as the Greatest Fairy-Story
On Fairy-Stories: Tolkien on the Incarnation: "The Eucatastrophe of Man's History"
Letter 54: Make a Habit of the Praises: Tolkien's Prayer Recommendations
Letter 64: Evil Labours in Vain: Tolkien on Suffering, Hope, and God's Plan
Letter 131: Introduction to The Waldman Letter (Podcast, 2021)
Letter 131: Introduction to The Waldman Letter
Letter 143: Tolkien and the Eucharist: “The One Great Thing to Love on Earth"
Letter 213: J.R.R. Tolkien: "I am in Fact a Hobbit (In all But Size)"