The Silmarillion Reader's Guide: Arabic Translation

The Silmarillion Reader's Guide: Arabic Translation


Thank you to Mohamed Talaat for kindly volunteering to translate our Silmarillion Guide into Arabic. Thank you also to @LOTRinArabic for proof-reading the translation.

Updated Third Edition: minor corrections made and slight changes to formatting.

This five-part guide to The Silmarillion is meant to serve as a chapter-by-chapter reference, a companion to keep close as you’re reading. For each chapter, you’ll find a breakdown of key events to help you keep track of what’s going on within the story. There are also a few visual guides included at the end of the book that I hope will be helpful, as well as links to other Silmarillion resources I’ve published.

For this third edition of The Silmarillion Reader’s Guide I’ve chosen to update the formatting and correct a few typos I had noticed since original publication. Thank you so much for reading!

This eBook is a 58-page PDF and will be emailed to you after checkout.

The word “Tolkien” is a registered trademark of The Tolkien Estate Limited. This guide is for personal use only, from one Tolkien fan to another.

The Silmarillion Reader's Guide

The Silmarillion Reader's Guide

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To-Be-Read Printable.jpg

"To-Be-Read" Printable

The Silmarillion Reader's Guide: Turkish Translation

The Silmarillion Reader's Guide: Turkish Translation
