
Valaquenta begins with a short summary of Ainulindalë. It then goes on to introduce the Lords and the Queens of the Valar, giving a bit of background information on each of them and explaining how they relate to one another. I know these can be difficult to remember or differentiate so I’ve included a printable chart at the back of this book. 

Next, we are introduced to the Maiar, spirits like the Valar but of a lesser degree. The last section is titled “Of the Enemies” and explains a bit more about the cruelty of Melkor as well as introducing his servant Sauron. 

Meet the Valar

  • Manwë, King of the Ainur; delights in air, wind, sky, height

  • Ulmo, Lord of Waters: seas, rivers, fountains, lakes

  • Aulë, Lord of Substances; Craftsman of the Valar

  • Oromë (Aldaron), Hunter of monsters and fell beasts

  • Mandos (Námo), Keeper of the Houses of the Dead

  • Lórien (Irmo), Master of visions and dreams

  • Tulkas (Astaldo), Delights in strength and contests

  • Varda (Elbereth), Lady of the Stars

  • Yavanna (Kementári), Giver of Fruits; delights in growing things

  • Nienna, Lady of Sorrow and Lamenter of Griefs

  • Estë, Healer of Hurts and Sorrows

  • Vairë, Weaver of Time

  • Vána, who delights in birds and flowers

  • Nessa, who delights in dance and racing

The Relationships of the Valar

  • Manwë dwells with Varda

  • Aulë dwells with Yavanna

  • Mandos dwells with Vairë

  • Lórien dwells with Estë

  • Tulkas dwells with Nessa

  • Oromë dwells with Vána

  • Ulmo dwells alone

  • Nienna dwells alone

Melkor, now named Morgoth, is no longer counted among the Valar. 

The Maiar

The Maiar (singular: Maia) are spirits of the same kind as the Valar but of lesser degree. They are often servants or helpers to the Valar.

Tolkien writes in Valaquenta that the chief of these are… 

  • Ilmarë, Handmaid of Varda

  • Eönwë, Standard-bearer and Herald of Manwë

  • Ossë, Vassal of Ulmo and Master of Seas

  • Uinen, Lady of Seas, Protector of Númenóreans

  • Melian, Spouse of Thingol, mother of Lúthien; Servant to Vána and Estë

  • Olórin (also called Mithrandir and Gandalf), Wisest of the Maiar, defender of the Free Peoples

Sauron (also called Gorthaur the Cruel), Servant of Morgoth