In the first war of the Valar against Melkor, Tulkas came to Arda, and Melkor fled. Aulë wrought the two lamps: Illuin to the North and Ormal to the South. Yavanna’s seeds began to sprout, and the beasts arose on the earth. The first dwelling of the Valar was made and called the Isle of Almaren. The Valar rested and held a great feast during which Tulkas married Nessa.
After the festival, Tulkas rested; Melkor seized this opportunity to come back into Middle-earth unnoticed. Melkor knocked over the two lamps and fled to Utumno. The Valar were unable to pursue him because they were preoccupied with repairing the earth and reining in the destruction caused by Melkor. “Thus ended the Spring of Arda.”
The Valar then left Middle-earth and went to Aman. The Valar established their home in Valinor and all was at peace there. Yavanna created the two trees of Valinor: Telperion (dark green and silver) and Laurelin (light green and gold).
With the Trees began the Days of Bliss in Valinor and the Count of Time. As time passed and Melkor had his way in Middle-earth, Yavanna urged the other Valar to make war against him again.
The Valar awaited the coming of the Children of Ilúvatar, who are Elves and Men. Elves are the firstborn and immortal; they are also called the Quendi. Men are the followers and are mortal; they are also called the Atani.