All in Celebrating Tolkien

Our Hobbit Party (2017)

I realize this post is nearly a whole year overdue, but I wanted to share as many photos as I could from our 2017 Hobbit Party! It was so fun looking back on all of these and thinking about my plans for this year...! You can read more about Hobbit parties and click through more of our Hobbit Party posts here.

     Today was a good one. We just walked our neighbors home and are settling in for the night after a long day of feasting with friends, our fifth annual Facista family Hobbit party! Every year gets better, bigger, busier, and more wonderful. I'm thankful for days like this, celebrating my favorite author and unofficial patron saint, the changing season, and any excuse to throw a huge party and invite all of our friends. 

Hobbit Party (2013)

This year, I was a complete failure at actually documenting the party. But I swear, it was awesome! I wanted to share the photos I did manage to take and some sources that I found inspirational when planning this year's party! (Is it too early to start planning for next year?!)

Because Hobbit Day is on the first day of fall, for our color scheme we went with traditional fall hues like orange, brown, and hints of green…