The Rings of Power: A Tale of Three Alloys

The series showrunners have highlighted three “alloys” at work in season one. This article will explore each of them in light of the season as a whole, taking a careful look at the apocryphal Mithril origin story which I will argue is actually a lie of Sauron.

Tea with Tolkien Interview with Cynthia Addai-Robinson

Hello, my friends, and thanks for joining us for Tea with Tolkien. I’m Kaitlyn and this afternoon we’re going to be joined by Cynthia Addai-Robinson, who of course plays the Queen-Regent Míriel in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.

I was so thrilled to be able to chat with Cynthia! I remember when we met briefly at Comic-con earlier this year, we didn’t have much of a chance to talk so it was great to have a little bit more time today. If folks are interested in checking out all of the new Behind the Scenes X-Ray footage that’s just gone live today, they can find it over on Prime Video.